Mylar Foil Film Capacitors

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Film capacitors have a number of devices of different dielectrics. Dielectrics preventing film material between the plates of the capacitor. Materials selected to be in place to attract and electricity. Distribute the film.
Metallized polyester film features an excellent self-healing.
1. Metallized polypropylene film capacitors (for high frequency)
* High-frequency models.
* Metallized polypropylene and metallized polyester film used variation form.
* All models are RoHS compliant
Major use / type:
Working under many current and prevent vibration.
* Standard type.
* Large Volume Category
* Type and High Voltage Electrical prevent vibration.
* For general use.
* Mirror circuit for use.
2. Metallized polyester film capacitors (for general use)
* Capacitor, high reliability for applications such as metallized polyethylene terephthalate film dielectric.
* There is no comparison with metal-specific injection process.
* Amor a flame against epoxy molding powder (V -0)
Major use: general use of polyester film metallized. Contusion type resin bath small

Mylar is an extremely sturdy polyester film that was born out through the expansion of Dacron in the middle of the 20th century. During that time cellophane was gradually replaced by Mylar with its better potency, heat resistance, plus exceptional insulating properties.

These exclusive qualities of Mylar made new end user markets in magnetic video tapes, capacitor dielectrics and casing possible. During 1970, Mylar had become DuPont’s most selling film even amongst mounting competition. And today Mylar is one of the most popular films available.